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Mar 11, 202413 min read
Can we afford future cell and gene therapies? Payer perspectives on sustainable reimbursement
Cell and gene therapies (CGTs) offer lifelong benefits to patients, but can payers afford them as more therapies come to the market?

Jun 14, 20237 min read
One step forward, two steps back: Is the UK driving away pharmaceutical manufacturers?
The UK voluntary scheme payback rate on NHS sales of branded medicines was set to 26.5%. Is the UK driving away pharmaceutical companies?

Apr 13, 20229 min read
Will US payers cope with the influx of high-cost cell and gene therapies over the coming years?
A summary of some of the challenges and solutions associated with cell and gene therapy coverage and pricing in the US

Mar 23, 20222 min read
Is it business as usual for Pharma in Russia?
A summary of the impact of Russia invasion of Ukraine on the biopharmaceutical industry so far
Mar 22, 202214 min read
Rare diseases are not that rare after all...
What are the key drivers of willingness to pay for Orphan Medical Products (OMPs) in the UK, France, Germany, Italy & Spain?

Dec 17, 202110 min read
What have NICE and NHS England been up to in 2021?
A summary of some of the key changes and announcements made by NICE and NHS England and NHS Improvement during 2021

Sep 6, 20215 min read
How copay accumulators and maximizers are shifting drug costs to patients and manufacturers
Recently, healthcare insurance companies and PBMs have been leveraging two new strategies that shift further costs onto commercially-covered

Jun 28, 20214 min read
The management of orphan drug prices after loss of exclusivity
What happens to orphan drugs when they lose market exclusivity? Do they face generic competition and price reductions like other drugs?...

Jun 8, 20214 min read
Biden and big change: is he just getting started?
Biden has unveiled his proposed 2022 budget, which reveals his healthcare policy priorities but lacks financial details.

Jun 2, 20215 min read
Biosimilar uptake: will the US catch up with Europe?
Uptake of biosimilars has been much slower in the US compared to Europe. Could recent and upcoming reforms change this?

Mar 31, 20214 min read
Back to the future: Covid-19 has increased the appetite for centralisation of decision-making
NHS England is set to achieve its commitment to roll out Integrated Care System (ICSs) across England by April 2022.

Mar 22, 20213 min read
Germany mandates real-world data collection for gene therapy Zolgensma
Germany’s HTA body is telling Novartis exactly what post-approval efficacy data it needs to see for SMA therapy Zolgensma.
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