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NICE Scientific Advice – an updated process from 1st December 2022


NICE updated the process for providing scientific advice on December 2022. We describe these changes and how we can support you through this process.

By Mai Ping Tan, PhD - Value Communications Consultant

Why would companies seek scientific advice from NICE?

  • As the HTA agency for the NHS in England, NICE can offer a fee-based advisory service to provide their point of view on a company's evidence plan to support the appraisal for a new technology

  • This ultimately helps companies understand whether their evidence package and planned evidence generation plans are likely to be sufficient in helping gain patient access in the UK

What has changed in December 2022?

  • A single “set” scientific advice process will replace the existing standard or express routes

  • Simplified process with receipt of final advice by Week 15 (vs Week 20 for standard route and Week 12 for express route)

  • No change to advice meeting or report

  • Further tweaks are expected to follow

What other forms of scientific advice can NICE offer?

How can RJW&partners help?

To learn more

Visit NICE set scientific advice , or get in touch with the RJW&partners team for an informal chat.

We are global pricing and market access specialists supporting pharmaceutical, biotech and device sector clients with innovative and practical solutions across evidence, value and access.


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